Miniature meditations on the imagery I notice as my life moves me around my country and the world.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Science museum hedgehogs, Boston, MA
Another intriguing view from below in the between-wings ceiling images: two hedgehogs gigantically exploring their transparent surface.
Dog eating bananas, Museum of Science, Boston
Another wonderful interstitial exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science right now is giant screens on the ceiling of the walkway between its wings, playing close-up videos of interesting things, taken from beneath a glass surface. Here we see a highly enthusiastic dog slurping up bananas. My daughter and I sat through two complete cycles of their whole collection, laughing and marveling at the images.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Turing Patterns, Boston Muesum of Science
Another Turing pattern in motion, this time breaking up into growing circular swirls, in much the same pattern (and mechanism) as slime molds use to cluster themselves in times of stress.
Turing Patterns, Boston Muesum of Science
At the Boston Museum of Science, a giant wall screen was demonstrating reaction-diffusion equations, the remarkably beautiful symmetry-breaking patterns that Alan Turing once proposed as a possible basis for embryonic shape development.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Carved Swirl, Hynes Convention Center, Boston
A most unusual graffiti: this spiral was carved painstakingly into the polished stone floors of the Hynes Convention Center in Boston.
Chicagoland Golden Church
For a long time, I had guessed that this golden-domed religious building near Chicago O'Hare Airport was a Hindu temple, but closer inspection shows that each dome is actually topped with a cross, indicating that this is some sort of church within the greater Christian family. Just what it is or where, however, is a mystery that I have not yet been able to solve.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Dryer exhaust melt boundary, Iowa City
Complex boundary of melting and recrystallization in the snow by the dryer vent on the concrete surface outside of our back door.
Dam in Hickory Hills Park, Iowa City
In the snow, the sculpted lines of terrain stand out more clearly, make it particularly obvious that this hill is a manmade construct, a dam in the middle of Hickory Hills Park, not far from our house. I still have no idea, however, why this dam is actually there, as the little creek that passes through it seems singularly unlikely to cause a flood on the scale that this dam appears built to prevent.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Cardinal in snow, Iowa City
A visitor at our bird feeder, nibbling around at the back while his mate was doing her own snacking at the feeder in the front of our house instead.
A musical family, Iowa City
The "Celtic Family Christmas" performance led by Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy that we went to in December turned out to have delightfully more family to it than expected: just before the intermission, the couple invited their children on stage with them to perform, and for the rest of the show kids wandered on and off the stage, sometimes joining or leading songs, sometimes just snuggling up on the couches with whichever parent wasn't actively performing at the moment. Towards the end, after they were sent off to bed, two of the little girls adorably sneaked out again and hid behind one of the stage props to watch. A deeply musical family, who I hope were having as good a time as it looked like being on tour together.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Harvester attachment, near Iowa City
An industrial-scale harvester attachment, dozens of feet long, going down the highway near Iowa City.
The Wild Untameable Days, Iowa City
From a little way off, it looks kind of like a utility access, but close up this subdued metal circle proves to be a sculpture sitting obscurely beneath a tree near the English & Philosophy Building at the University of Iowa.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Stage Lighting, Hancher, Iowa City
Stage lights have changed a lot since when I used to act back in high school: the big hot single filtered cans have been replaced by smaller fixtures filled with intense LEDs. Here, the haloed side-scatter of this light makes me thing of jellyfish.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Parking garage reflections, UIHC, Iowa City, Iowa City
Another shot of the medical center parking garage, surprisingly gleaming metal in such a tucked away and functional piece of building.
Parking garage reflections, UIHC, Iowa City, Iowa City
In the middle of the giant parking garage attached to the big medical center in Iowa City, a light channel shines bright and open by a narrow passage connecting the various parking "wings."
Monday, January 22, 2018
Aaaaaack! Wilson's Orchard, Iowa City
This little crafty creature seemed quite startled to be discovered by us at the edge of our local apple orchard.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Model T headlight, Johnson County, Iowa
Detail on the old Model T. My daughter was with me and was invited to ride, but found this old strange car a bit too far from her comfort zone.
Model T Ford, Johnson County, Iowa
This Model T Ford, dating back to 1925, has been lovingly cared for and still runs, seen here parked against the dry corn of a cold late autumn day.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Luminous Fish, Chicago O'Hare
Shifting perspective slightly, the glass fish transforms from fire within to a dark eminence against a molten background.
Luminous Fish, Chicago O'Hare
This glass fish on a windowsill in O'Hare is colored and transformed as the mellow light of sunset refracts through its shape and surface textures.
Friday, January 19, 2018
Field Museum Shop, Chicago O'Hare
Frieze above an airport outpost shop of Chicago's natural history museum: the figures are actually set in front of the lighter background.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Debris from many fallen pumpkins, Iowa Children's Museum
Close-up of the debris at the end of Jack Splat. The ground crew sweep the fallen gourds into piles to ensure the next set of victims have a clear space to properly break.
Debris from many fallen pumpkins, Iowa Children's Museum
Every year, the first Friday after Halloween, the Iowa Children's museum holds a wonderful event called Jack Splat. Children bring in their pumpkins and give their name, the pumpkin's name, and pick one of several offered methods of execution. The children crowd the plexiglass shields and cheer and screech as the pulp flies.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Cornfield Alien, Iowa
Aliens in the cornfield, spotted while chaperoning my daughter's class on a kindergarten-grade haunted hayride.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Scraped development, Charlotte, NC
Another of my secret favorite sorts of images to find: the bones of a development traced out in its early stages of development. I mourn the loss of woods and open space while at the same time the SimCity / Civilization player in me looks on with interest at the sketches of structure emerging from another designer's mind.
Housing Development, Charlotte, NC
I have been working on a collection of images that I call "Sigils of Suburbia." When I look down on many of the more modern housing developments, I am struck by the carefully asymmetrical curves of their roads and cul-de-sacs. Envisioning them without their houses, reduced to only their fundamental tarmac brushstrokes, I see calligraphy, pictograms, runes. To me, this one speaks of organic growth: a complex flower bud with tendrils uncurling above and leaves extending of its stem below.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Hanging plane, Charlotte Airport
North Carolina is really proud of the Wright Brothers and the state's place in the history of aviation. Accordingly, the Charlotte airport is rife with aviation exhibits hanging from ceilings all about.
Charlotte Airport
Once US Airways had become sufficiently digested by American Airlines, we got a third connection out of Iowa City and I have started to have flights routed through the Charlotte, North Carolina airport. It's not really as small as this shot makes it look: this is just their spidery small-planes terminal, where flights to places like Iowa park.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Mississippi Sunset
Sunset gleaming off the Mississippi river, crossing back into Iowa one evening. The city in the upper right is Muscatine, Iowa.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Life Soda Wall, Cedar Rapids, IA
At a restaurant in Cedar Rapids, there is a wall tucked in the back that acts as sort of a shrine to the Life Beverage Company, a long-extinct local soda brand.
T-Rex harassed by monkeys, Iowa City

Friday, January 12, 2018
Maui Chess Herky, Iowa City
As if Chess Herky wasn't outre enough, at Halloween it was dressed up as Maui from Moana. It does take a bit of the horrifying edge off for me, but I can't say the costume feels appropriate.
Chess Herky, Iowa City
All over Iowa City one finds statues of Herky, the local sports teams' mascot. The statues were all built from a common mold, then turned over to local artists for creative decoration, and finally scattered throughout local institutions. Many are interesting, tasteful, or funny, but a few, like this Chess Herky at the Mercer Park community center, I simply find downright terrifying to behold. Maybe some people look at this and see a gentle joke about chess, but I see a demonic clown-monster with irregular shark teeth.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Boat shadow
The shadow of a small boat sculpture in our living room falls sharply across the decorated back of a clipboard our kindergartener uses for her art.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Hurstville Lime Kilns, Iowa
Up behind the lime kilns is an old warehouse, hollowed out and slowly coming to pieces in the woods.
Hurstville Lime Kilns, Iowa
The Hurstville lime kilns are built right into the side of a hill: you can walk up and across behind all four, looking out at the views across the fields.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Hurstville Lime Kilns, Iowa
An early industrial site in Iowa, the lime kilns near Maquoketa, Iowa opened in the 1870s and ran for fifty years before new technology finished killing their industry---in this case, the spread of cement as a construction material preferred over lime.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Lost Bear, Hoover Nature Trail, West Branch, IA
Whenever I see a toy like this, I feel both hopeful and sad. There is something melancholy about the waiting, deliberate in placement by the one who found it, yet alone and abandoned without the warmth of its young owner.
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